Sumuditha Lansakara

Organize your thoughts with mind maps 🧠💡

Tue Apr 09 2024

What is a mind map ?

• A mind map is like a picture of your thoughts. It starts with one big central idea in the middle and then branches out into smaller ideas connected to it (like a flow). It helps you see how different things are related to each other. It can keep go on.

Why do we use mind maps ?

• We use mind maps to organize our thoughts, come up with new ideas and understand complicated stuff better. They're like visual aids that make it easier to remember things and explain stuff to others.

Tips I follow when doing a mind map

• Start with the main idea then go into the smaller related ideas.

• Keep everything simple by using short words (if some details needed to be add, I add them as comments).

• Make different ideas in different colors.

• Use lines (branches) to show how ideas connect to each other.

• Try to keep things balanced and neat so it's easy to understand.